In a previous post I went over how I use Docker Compose to build out and manage my self-hosted services. In this post, I want to introduce you to one of my favorites: Komga!
Komga is an open-source comic book/manga web server that allows you organize and serve all of your CBZ/CBR/EPUB’s in one place! As I mentioned above, it can be run in Docker so you can basically run it on anything. It has an integrated web reader and offers an API that can be used with many popular comic/manga readers.

Why do I like it so much, you ask?
Well, a few years ago I was running Ubooquity to host my comic library and while it worked, there were a lot things I wasn’t happy with:
- Clunky looking interface
- Resource hog (had problems with memory leaks)
- Wasn’t being developed/supported