Recently, I spent a lot of time diving into the Minecraft mod/plugin Dynmap.
It’s an awesome tool and if you run a Minecraft server and don’t know about it, you should check it out!
While trying to figure out how to setup a standalone web server for Dynmap, I came across LiveAtlas. It’s an alternative frontend for Dynmap (and also supports Squaremap, Pl3xmap and Overviewer) that adds a much sleeker interface to the web ui, as well as some cool features like being able to right-click on the map and get a context menu:

These kinds of things are big part of why I love the Minecraft community! The amount of high quality tools/plugs/mods that people have poured their time and skills into for the community are immense.
Installing LiveAtlas on your Minecraft server is extremely straightforward and easy. It literally functions as a “drop-in” replacement for Dynmap’s web GUI.
- Download the latest release of LiveAtlas
- Extract that into your dynmap/web folder
- Prevent Dynmap from overwriting the LiveAtlas index.html by changing the update-webpath-files to false in Dynmap’s Configuration.txt file (verions of Dynmap older than 3.3.2 need to set the index.html file to read-only)
The index.html file can be modified to add custom favicons and additional customization.
Are you using Dynmap or LiveAtlas on your server? How do you have it setup? Drop a comment below and let me know!